Ahmad Jalboush graduated from SAE Amman in 2010 from the Filmmaking department. Jalboush’s career as a cinematographer encompasses narrative features, shorts, documentaries, music videos, and commercials from countries including Tunisia, India, and Bahrain. One of his recent works, an Egyptian short film (Trap), was nominated for Cannes Film Festival. He just finished filming the second season of the series “Hekayat Ebn Al Hadaad” in Bahrain, and a couple of episodes for “Al Rawabi School for Girls”, a Netflix TV series. With the just-released TV series “Dar Ghareeb” on MBC currently, he is the DOP for a Jordanian feature film, “Daughters of Abdal-Rahman”, along with the short film “Lovesick in the West Bank” that was screened at the Red Sea International Film Festival 2020.